
The Mission Statement *
you are easily offended or
afraid of the truth (often the same thing) then you best
go away, youll only get hurt hanging around here.
The Mountainbike Militiamen Movement was formed by a handful of
Mountainbikers from NEPA (North-Eastern Pennsylvania) strictly for their own amusement.
Eventually it became a venue to spout off politically incorrect and libertarian rhetoric.
Later the original mission expanded and became a force to resist and fight the dark-evil
we mountanbikers face in everyday life. Some believe were dangerous right-wing
militants who preach a scorched earth policy if the bastards wont let us ride.
Others think were leftist-liberals hell-bent on a socialist bike wing of government
responsible for "Tricycle to Cruiser" entitlements. It has been suggested that
this is satiraclegood-natured tongue-in-cheek fun. You may draw your own
conclusions, (we know itll be difficult for some of you). While the open exchange of
ideas is encouraged, the Mountainbike Militia doesnt care
what anyone else thinks, and those that dont like it be damned. Now shut up and go
for a ride.
The above statement is
the earliest M*M*M* document known to exist. It was uncovered in
a secret cache along with a 12 gauge shotgun made out of ¾" water pipe and a 2 x
6 sometime in the late 90's. |


"I was just a puny mortal till I got mine, now I'm a real Captain Big
Ring!" |
Militiamen Movement Guestbook |

names aren't required (actually they are strongly discouraged), but we do appreciate a
certain healthy skepticism in our troops. Add your golden nuggets of wisdom to our
treasure chest of knowledge. |
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