* Mountainbike Militiamen Movement *



Mountain Bike Militia  edge6

Mountanbiike Militia Privacy Policy

Personal Information:
The Mountainbike Militia does not & never will share or sell your personal information or e-mail address with anyone. Our policy is "Don't mess with our ride, and we won't mess with yours".

E-mail Correspondence:
We reserve the right to use e-mail quotes on the site, however we will not post any personal information except the first initial & state or country of origin unless the sender requests otherwise.  We will remove quotes if requested by the original sender (unless they're really, really funny).

E-mail Update:
We add your e-mail address to our update list when you correspond with us unless you ask us not to.  E-mails go out every month or two and contain site update information or anything else we think is cool.  If you want to be removed, just ask.

Spam Sucks:
Remember, when you post a Conspiracy Board message or Guestbook entry with your e-mail address attached, it is available to anyone (or anything) on the web.  If your concerned about spam insert #NOJUNK# in the address to shield it or simply don't post it.   If you've already posted your address & would like it removed, just let us know.

Copyright Information:
All images & material on the Mountainbike Militia Subversion Site are the sole property of the Administrator/Owner of mountainbikemilitia.com unless stated otherwise & may not be used without permission.  That said, if you'd like to use a quote or image for non-profit use all we ask is an e-mail request & a  link back. 

Mountainbike Militia
Scranton, PA 18504

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* Mountainbike Militiamen Movement * skull-Mail


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......have entered the Movement.