Mountainbike Gungolf! |
That's right
GOLF! Now don't freak out, we at the M*M*M* hate golf just as
passionately as any survivalist mountainbiker out there, but this is "X-tremely"
different. |
Here are the Rules:
- No Golf Clubs, Golf Courses, Golf Rules, little wooden "tees" & especially
No Golf Clothes of any kind!
- Rifles, handguns, shotguns, etc., are all acceptable "clubs".
- Golf balls must be used & either found or stolen.
- You MUST ride to the X-treme Mountainbike Golf Game on a Mountainbike &
carry all your own equipment.
- The game is played at any suitable firing range preferably not an authorized
"public" range (i.e.: State Game Lands).
- A "hole" is made by placing a bike part, flag, or any piece of trash in the
middle of the range, and there must be between 1 and 23 holes.
- Each "X-treme Athlete" lines up 2 or 3 balls on the ground about 9.6
yards from the starting point. Used shotgun shell casings may be used for
"tees", but we found this unnecessary.
- Each "X-treme Athlete" then uses as many rounds of ammunition as
possible to get his balls closest to the "hole". If you've ever played
pool it'll help.
- The game is only over when all the ammunition is gone, all the balls are lost or
destroyed, or someone is fatally wounded (it happens, this is "X-treme Golf"
after all--they knew the risks).

Tips for Gun Transport by Bike |
Pennsylvania Jeff
transports his 22 semi using a handlebar mounted rack, which also works for tools, bats,
compound bows, etc. Normally the gun is broken down & put in a tent bag to be
less conspicuous in public, & less likely to catch branches on the trail. Handling is
affected, but not problematic. The rack shown below is a Pack Rack
made by All Rite which sells for around $35. Most local bike shops
can easily order it if they don't stock it already, from All Rite or Seattle
Bike Supply. |
All Rite Inc.
2286 Bonanza CL.
South Jordan, UT
or Fax
801-254-2806 |
ReptarO prefers
to lash his 22 bolt-action to a pack, for that dinosaur tail fashion statement. It
can also be broken down to be more manageable on the trails & less conspicuous to
civilization. Civilization---HA! Remember
to read the Warning Disclaimer at
the top of this page that says we're not responsible if you get wounded, arrested or
killed!!! |